Executive Coaching for Teens:

Mindset Mental Performance Optimization 

Personal Mindset Coaching

What is a Mindset Coach? A  mindset mental performance coach helps individuals approach school, sports, job, etc. with a productive framework to handle  problems and help individuals make the best decisions.

Mindset Coaching

“Train the Brain”

Training the brain is like any other aspect of your body.  It requires an understanding of the mechanisms that influence your decision-making, applying evidence based framework to support choices, and have consistent practice and perserverance to have a long-lasting effect.  

Mindset Framework

Understand the foundation of mindset based on Contextual Intelligence framework for responding to many different situations.  

Focus on Development

Whether its sports such as baseball or soccer, school work, job demands, or family relationships having a great mindset allows for clarity amidst chaos.

Stress Management

Stress is neither a good nor bad thing as our stress reactions are natural survival physiological actions to help protect us as human beings.  Understanding how to regulate stress and lean into it for support and nourishment is important in mindset development.

Future Advice

Decisions on the next steps in life are always difficult.  Change can cause issues and what may seem simple to others can be highly traumatic to yourself. Simple changes from middle school to high school or high school to college requires preparation not only in academic or sport, but also into your mindset approach to these challenges.

Who Is Mindset Mental Performance Coaching For?

Mindset mental performance coaching can apply to anyone, but our focus is on the teenage years with the hook through sports or other activities. Numerous changes occur during the time between the ages of 13-19 with transitions from Middle School to High School to College/Pro Life.  Focus on training the brain to prepare for all of life’s challenges during the teenage years.

Why Is Mindset Mental Performance Coaching For Teenagers Important?

Parents, Teachers, Coaches are oftentimes the main guiding principles for developmental teenage years, but how many teenagers don’t listen to them or sometimes hear the wrong things.  Our mindset mental performance coaching supports the positive lessons taught by parents, teachers, coaches, but we also add components to handle the negative experiences brought on by both without any strings attached.  

 What is The Process Like?

Conceptually it is based on the framework of Contextual Intelligence we provide Group or Individual discussion sessions focused on numerous aspects of mindset mental performance development that allows participants to choose their own pace of weekly or monthly combination choice.  Individuals can also choose individual topics to discuss and join in on a weekly basis as each course has a general overview for every session. Individual coaching sessions can also be set by appointment only. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is this only for teenagers who play sports?  No, its life coaching in general and is open for all teenagers of all backgrounds and interests.

2. Is this considered mental health counseling?  No, this is not professional licensed mental health counseling and if mental health needs arise then referral process and 988 or 911 will be called pending situation.

3. How are the sessions structured?  The first 15 minutes are brief introductions and ground rules, the next 45 minutes is topic based presentation/discussion via Zoom using voice or chat function, last 15 minutes is wrap up, reflection, and questions.

1. Contextual Intelligence

The foundation of growth mindset mental performance is based on the Contextual Intelligence model of Hindsight + Foresight = Insight

2. Emotional Regulation

Understanding one’s emotions and how they influence decision-making is important in developing approaches to problem-solving and critical thinking.

3. Self-Identity

Gaining an understanding of one’s personal identity and what they stand for is important in creating a mindset focused on learning and development.  Restricting oneself to an identity solely based on societal norms, athletic achievements, scholastic record, etc. can be limiting to one’s true capabilities.

4. Handling Failure

Viewing life as either a string of successes or failures based on outcomes is difficult to always measure up to some standard.  Handling the disappointment of “failure” in a healthy mindset manner can help turn these moments into invaluable “learning” moments to move ahead to the next steps in life.

5. Stress Management = Stress Regulation

Stress is an important component of life and helps to protect us in dangerous moments so the important part is not avoiding stress, but proper management and regulation of stressful situations.

Coaching Packages

Single Session

A one time individual session session allows an individual to gain exposure  on a chosen topic and introduces the ideas to to develop their mindset mental performance journey.

More Details

Topics to be selected for a single session include:

1. Contextual Intelligence – this is highly recommended as the first sequence of courses to create the foundation for mindset mental performance development.

2. Handling Failure

3. Self-Identity: Who are you?

4. Attentional Focus

5. Life Habits: Sleep, Meditation, and Mindfulness.

6. Thriving during Change

7. Resiliency

8. Communication Skills

9. Problem-Solving

10. Responsibility

New topic sessions are designed regularly so check back for new topic offerings

Team Group Package

A one time group session  (maximum limit is 20 participants)  per session allows for a team to gain customized focused sessions on the start to their mindset mental performance journey.

More Details

All team sessions are co-designed with Do~MOJO staff and coach/org staff. Potential topics to be selected include:

1. Contextual Intelligence – this is highly recommended as the first sequence of courses to create the foundation for mindset mental performance development.

2. Handling Failure

3. Self-Identity: Who are you?

4. Attentional Focus

5. Life Habits: Sleep, Meditation, and Mindfulness.

6. Thriving during Change

7. Resiliency

8. Communication Skills

9. Problem-Solving

10. Responsibility

New topic sessions are designed regularly so check back for new topic offerings

About Me

As a university professor since 2002, a certified athletic trainer since 1994, a school/travel baseball coach starting in 1991, and a parent of two boys since 2002 I have varied experiences coaching, mentoring, and learning from various types of situations.  Dr. Onate possesses a PhD in Human Movement Sciences from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and BS degree from the University of Florida in Exercise and Sport Science.  He has been a member of several sports medicine national and state associations, is an active member of the youth baseball committee for the American Baseball Coaches Association, a member and elected fellow of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, and has been teaching collegiate courses on several topics most specifically  Leadership, Motor Learning, Sports Medicine, and Emergency Management.  His primary life purpose is to help make a positive impact on others in providing resources and framework to help individuals optimize and sustain performance across their careers/lifetime. 


“Dr. Onate has helped me  as a person by coaching me to help overcome most of my performance anxiety by teaching me to think about certain words or phrases to calm myself down.  For example, in baseball I’ve been struggling to hit for awhile and he told me “it’s one pitch at a time and go 0-1 or 1-1 per pitch” and also to “control what I can control”.

– Adrian 12 y/o MS baseball player (Texas)

“Coach Onate taught us to trust the process and understand that everyone’s process is different”.

– Tim parent of 18 y/o HS baseball player (Ohio)

 “Coach Onate’s mindset coaching taught me many qualities and traits that I use everyday to be successful in the classroom and on the field.  His coaching taught me how to stay process focused, trust my development, and stay the course in my own daily challenges.  The learning that I experienced has prepared me for handling all facets of college athletics and academics.  I am forever thankful for Coach Onate’s work and continued commitment.”

– Connor 18 y/o College football player (Ohio)

“I think one of the biggest takeaways from Coach Onate’s mindset coaching is really the importance of a good mindset in general.  Sure the physical aspect is important, but everything starts and ends with your mindset, your attitude, and your competitiveness.  The competition is not necessarily between you vs the other person across from you, but it’s you vs yourself.  I think the other, probably more important message is to smile, enjoy the journey, and let it fly.  Just go out there and have fun.

This information has prepared me for high school sports, college, and life in general by providing me with a guideline to develop a winning approach.  On the field and in the classroom Coach Onate’s mindset coaching has taught me to have elite mastery over my thoughts and attitude, to not worry about what I can’t control, and to enjoy the journey.  Thanks Coach!”

– Tom 18 y/o HS football/baseball player (Ohio)

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!