Optimizing Cognitive Performance

How to achieve a mindset that is helpful during difficult times as opposed to hurtful.

Sample Topics

1. Stress Regulation

2. Grit vs. Resiliency

3. Goal Setting

4. Self-Confidence

5. Attentional Focus

6. Decision-Making

7. Memory: Short-Term vs. Long-Term

8. Mind Arousal Control

9. Self-Talk

10. Meditation

11. Self-Talk

12. Cognitive Flexibility

13. Intelligence: IQ vs. EQ vs. CQ

14. Motor Imagery/Visualization

15. Compartentalizing





Frequently Asked

How long is the program?

Each session ranges from 30-60 minutes and you can self-select a single course, 6 week, 12 week, or customized prograns.  Learning across the lifetime is strongly encouraged and this is not a cookie cutter one size fits all program.  Modules and lessons will constantly be revised and updated.

What age group is appropriate for this program?

An initial target focus on teenage years (13-19), but the coaching process can be utilized across a lifetime and training sessions can be customized to provide value across all age groups.

Is there a certain start date for programs?

Individuals can start at any time in any segment of the program, but if a set desire to proceed in a progression then establishing a 6 or 12 week program can be completed.  The first foundational course selected should be focused on the framework of Contextual Intelligence (CI), but each course has a component to engage the learner in CI knowledge each session.

What if my child or I don't play a particular sport, can we still participate?

Absolutely YES.  The sport is mainly for examples and the attractive point for teens to discuss, but the examples can range from any particular aspect of life or activity.

Is this professional counseling or therapy?

No, this is not a professional mental health clinical counseling or therapy program.  We are life coaching across the spectrum of holistic health and fitness so if you are seeking professional licensed mental health clinicians we can provide referrals as requested.

Online Coaching Resources

man sitting on couch using MacBook

IQ vs EQ vs CQ

Teenagers oftentimes have heard about Intelligence Quotient (IQ) scores and maybe Emotional Intelligence (EQ) scores, but most often have not had an opportunity to understand Contextual Intelligence (CQ).   This workbook for teens will enlighten them to the wonders of contextual intelligence to formulate Response plans based on scientific foundations.

people riding boat on body of water

Essentials of Informing the RESPONSE

Sharing stories, ideas, situations allows teens to learn about potential responses and what informs those decisions. Our newsletter helps share these ideas and help individuals think about the factors influencing different responses.

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